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Nurit by Niyooshka - headshot_edited.jpg

Nurit Chinn is a playwright from London and Tel Aviv, currently based in New York. Her one act play, Godbird, will premiere at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) in September 2024, directed by Kedian Keohan. Nurit was a member of the Royal Court Theatre’s Young Writers’ Group in 2020; she has an MFA in playwriting from Brooklyn College, and a BA in English from Yale University. 


Nurit’s play I LOVE STRANGERS is a 2025 finalist for the Alliance/Kendeda National Graduate Playwriting Competition, and will have a staged reading at the Alliance Theatre, Atlanta in February. It is also a semifinalist for the 2024 Eugene O’Neill National Playwriting Conference, and received a staged reading at Lincoln Center’s Clark Studio Theatre as part of Brooklyn College’s New Play Lab. Nurit’s full-length, BEST OF THREE, was produced at Etcetera Theatre as part of the Camden Fringe Festival (directed by Maxi Himpe). Her shorter works have been staged at the VAULT Festival, Bomb Factory Theatre, and Dixon Place. She is currently developing her play BOAZ, an adaptation of Nicole Krauss’s short story, “I Am Asleep But My Heart is Awake.”

Before moving to Brooklyn, Nurit worked as a journalist, writing and editing for the newspaper Haaretz and contributing to the British Journal of Photography. Her creative nonfiction has been published in the Washington Square Review and Off Assignment. In addition, Nurit teaches undergraduate playwriting at Brooklyn College, is the Creative Producer of the Exponential Festival and the Next Generation Fellow at the Segal Center at the Graduate Center, CUNY.

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